Friday, October 31, 2008


I had a really good birthday this year.

Their was nothing extravagant about it - was fairly low key. It wasn't a major milestone birthday. I did receive some very nice, thoughtful gifts: a stylish new winter jacket, a Buddha Board, delicious Rain Coast crackers & brie cheese and CDs. A very nice lunch with Michelle @ Mango Shiva.

The weather was very pleasant on my birthday too - something that is rarely the case this time of year.

I also made a major step forward in my art career, made (more or less) official on my birthday. It's been a year of real lows and great difficulty for family - but now things are starting to feel like they are turning around and heading in a more positive direction - like I'm finding more purpose in my life again.

What really made the birthday was family & friends. Very heartfelt (and wordy!) cards, greetings & time spent together that really made me feel loved and appreciated. I am very fortunate & I need to take the time to remember that more often.

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